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men·tor noun \ˈmen-tor, -tər\: someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person

All of our Mentors in the theraputic program are trained to focus on the STARS Principles of Mentoring.

Each principle is imperative to the success of the mentee in successfully completing the program.

Principle 1. Integrity


Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. Also commonly referred to "doing the right thing, when no one is looking". Building integrity into a young person is not only good for his/he future; but for the community and society as a whole.

Principle 3. Respect


Respect a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. Teaching a young person respect for oneself and their communities will increase the likelihood of positive change and growth and dedication and decrease disrespectful behaviors.

Principle 5. Honor


Honor means to regard with great respect. This principle is another level of respect that is taught to each mentee. The importance of teaching young people to do more than what is expected and to treat people with respect and value will in return teach them to respect and honor themselves.

Principle 7. Commitment


Commitment is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity or in the case of our mentees; change and growth. Our mentors instill in their mentees the principle of commitment and the knowledge that it takes time and patience to see change. We encourage each young person to stay true to themselves, remain focused and see each challenge through to the end. This builds a foundation for long term success.

Principle 2. Loyalty


Loyalty is faithfulness or a devotion to a person, country, group, or cause. Teaching a young person about loyalty to his/herself, families or beliefs while build the foundation for increased dedication and commitment to his/her future.

Principle 4. Service


Service the action of helping or doing work for someone. Our mentors are trained to understand the impact of volunteer service and service to others. Our mentees participate in volunteering as a way to provide service to others and in return develop new skills, positive peer relationships and develop empathy for others and their communities.

Principle 6. Courage


Courage the ability to do something that frightens one. The ability to make positive changes and to go against what the majority of your peers say is acceptable takes courage. Our mentees are taught that it take courage to go against the grain. It takes to make a change and sometimes stand on your own.

Principle 8. Excellence


Excellence is the quality of being excellent and taking pride in your actions. We teach our young mentees that striving for excellence is a foundation for positive change. To build up a person who is not accustomed to seeing the best in what they do is the key to the excellence principle.

mentor transitive verb: to teach or give advice or guidance to (someone, such as a less experienced person or a child) : to act as a mentor for (someone)

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